Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Duluth

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Treating Depression And Addiction Near Duluth

Understanding why you began relying on drugs or alcohol can be just as vital as dealing with the addiction. One of the most often encountered underpinning conditions is depression. If you've already been through detox but require ongoing support, Evolve is here for you. Our therapy will examine your depression and alcohol or drug use disorders collectively. Contact us at 470-348-5426 at any time if you are battling depression and addiction near Duluth.

We Grasp The Connection Between Depression And Substance Use

Depression is difficult to diagnose, much less manage. Many people resort to mind-altering substances to handle depression symptoms. Medicating yourself with alcohol or drugs can result in a harmful addiction/depression spiral.

As depression changes your feelings and way of thinking, the exhilarating effect of alcohol or drugs might give you short-lived relief. However, once those drugs diminish, depression's unpleasant emotions can sharpen. This cycle goes on with a pattern of taking, declining, taking again, and feeling bad again, repeatedly. As your body's tolerances rise, it can take a larger dose to get the “good” feelings. In time dependency settles in, and depression and substance use can become devestating to your life.

The Evolve Recovery Center Duluth team understands how you can easily get trapped in the depression/addiction spiral. We also understand that it isn't a pattern you can break by yourself. Whenever you're ready to get a helping hand to pull you out, reach out to us at 470-348-5426. We're prepared to help you, at all hours.

How We Address Depression And Addiction Near Duluth

Expert treatment can stop the ongoing cycle of self-administering with habit-forming substances. Our modern residential rehab center gives you a safe, relaxing setting free from alcohol and drug use triggers until you’ve progressed enough to resume life at home.

At Evolve, you'll get round-the-clock emotional and medical support for addiction and depression. Our clinicians are well versed in the physical and cognitive effects of withdrawal. We incorporate established methods for managing continual withdrawal symptoms and cravings. We strive to maintain your comfort so you may move toward long-term sobriety.

We'll also help you acquire the abilities you need to change your life. If you are battling depression and addiction in Duluth, you should get support that addresses both. Evolve treats mental health and substance use disorders with evidence-based therapies guided by accredited counselors. At our facility, you'll attend one-on-one and group therapy sessions daily to:

  • Increase your knowledge of depression and addiction
  • Investigate past trauma that caused your depression and substance use
  • Identify unhealthy habits and ways of thinking that trigger substance use and depression
  • Practice healthy coping mechanisms
  • Develop interpersonal and communication skills

By grasping the fundamental reasons behind your depression and substance use, you’ll be able to confront difficult feelings and discover how to keep your addiction and depression from dominating your life. Even though there is no “cure” for these afflictions, the counselors at Evolve can help you learn how to manage them so you may conduct a more rewarding life and quit using habit-forming substances permanently.

Why Turn To Evolve Recovery Center Duluth For Treatment?

If you need specialized support to help you break the cycle of depression and substance use, Evolve Recovery Center Duluth is here for you. We firmly believe you have a right to an exceptional level of care and intend to offer that for your entire stay. As well as scientifically supported treatment administered by experienced practitioners, at Evolve, you'll benefit from:

  • Customized support tailored to your unique needs
  • A cozy bedroom with attached bath
  • Wholesome, delicious chef-cooked meals, snacks, and drinks
  • Positive downtime activities
  • Time to relax and recuperate
  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • Support for billing and insurance questions
  • Dignified care from understanding professionals
  • Aftercare counseling before your discharge

If you have questions regarding our services or admissions, phone 470-348-5426 today to get the guidance you need. We aim for you to get the proper support for your depression and substance use and are available whenever you’re set to start rehab.

Get Support For Depression And Addiction Near Duluth

You have a right to get support for both depression and substance use. Place a call to Evolve Recovery Center Duluth at 470-348-5426 or fill out our contact form below. A helpful team member will respond promptly, regardless of the time or day. We'll discuss our care and help you get the guidance you need. We're ready for you right now.